Maize trials

There is surprisingly little data available that compares the various traits of local and hybrid maize varieties. It is rather claimed that hybrid maize is superior in terms of yield capacity, a good income and business model, and provided food security. This claim is not well supported by analysis and data. We decided to embark on a series of experiments comparing the planting of local maize that are favoured by people around the fields we hire for this purpose with the hybrid varieties that are recommended by foreign donors, MVP and OAF. We grow these together with a Youth Group called Geno in Sauri. We have in interest not just in yield data but also germination, disease pressure, maturity. Our entry point is growing maize under the local predominant conditions of weeds, soil fertility, rainfall. This also implies that we do not apply fertilizer but local sources such as boma manure and compost.

We apply a rather straightforward model and related budget.

Design Short Rains 2019
Design Long Rains 2019